
Sunday, April 27, 2014

Increasing Attention Spans in Kids using drumming techniques & practices

One of the observations & learning’s I have had working with kids is how to get them to develop better attention skills. The ability to focus and pay attention is a foundational need to a host of other cognitive skills. 

Here is how we can use drums to impact & improve the 4 basic types of attention,
  1. Creating a set of Start-Stop experiences while drumming to improve Sustained Attention – This task involves getting kids to focus on a single task for a sustained period of time. This can be developed by playing along a set of drum beat patterns in a start-stop manner while constantly changing the speed and flow. You can also incorporate a movement based intervention by having kids be the ‘leader’ as you move through each pattern while having the rest of class follow along                                         
  2. Ignoring distractions & developing Selective Attention – playing in a band where-in the musicians have to listen to each other is a nice example of developing your selective attention skills. So have your child start playing drums to a song while specifically listening to the drum patterns and learning to play them effectively. While in class I like to have the class try and create some crowd buzz while one of them is drumming in order to develop an ability to isolate the noise around you and focus on the beat at hand                                                                                                                                    
  3. Alternating Attention by using time signature variations or independent limb co-ordination – Drumming by definition involves training your various limbs to do different things. You could thus develop this skill by playing your basic rudiments in different time signatures while keeping the metronome to a steady pulse. Alternatively you can have the same pattern played by different limbs to an alternating pattern. Example: A 4/4 single stroke roll could be played as RLRL or LRLR or LLRR or RRLL or we can incorporate the foot and have RLFF or RLRF etc                                                             
  4. Finally developing you Divided Attention – This is the highest level of attention and is usually achieved while developing excellence in any musical or performing act . In drumming this means paying attention to the foundational learning techniques, mind and body preparation, ability to parallel process like reading the musical notes while playing with a band etc. Reaching this level also means that you are in the moment where you are not thinking about the details anymore, you are essentially in the ‘feel’ and flowing seamlessly with the task at hand. Example: Play 4/4 pattern with your feet while playing 3/4 with your hands !

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