
Friday, February 28, 2014

Working your weaker hand

Whether it’s playing a game or eating food or doing a physical activity, we tend to lead with our stronger hand. Focusing on this aspect and learning to use both hands equally can be a great starting point in being able to play the drums effortlessly with both hands

For most of us though this is a challenge, so here are 3 simple ways to practice on improving your weaker hand,

  • Try the 8 on a hand exercise with the Unison (both hands play together) beat. Start slow at 60 bpm and go all the way to 120 bpm. Keep playing at each level  for 2 minutes continuously till you are comfortable then go to the higher speed (in 10 bpm increments) . Watch for flams and avoid them at all costs !

  • Start playing the hi-hat with the opposite hand + starting your drum rolls with the weaker hand. Finding it difficult right? Good, keep working on it till you are comfortable playing them. Keep a metronome going so you can correct yourself as needed

  • Play rudiments that stress the weaker hand more. Rudiments like triplets where you play twice with the weaker hand ( RLL/LRR or LLR/RRL) are good example of these. Play with a metronome starting as Quarter notes then Eighth notes then 16th notes. Ensure that you are fully in time with the metronome and comfortable at a speed before increasing your speed

Finally, keep the metal focus on the weaker hand going as your progress your drumming. You will notice that just by realizing the fact of the weaker hand (M&Ms anyone?) and paying extra effort on using them more often may soon make it the stronger hand :-)

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